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AI Academy : Using ChatGPT to Launch A Business

  • 30 Steps


Learn how to be a world-class leader and understand how to develop a fun and profitable business at light speed with the help of AI Technology, specifically ChatGPT. For those who aren’t familiar with AI, it stands for artificial intelligence. This course offers a blend of technology, engaging class activities, business knowledge, and creative thinking. Let ChatGPT be your helpful tool to quickly create a fun and exciting business that you love! And you can get in early on the AI revolution and be some of the first students to learn how to use these amazing tools! Class activities and tasks will help students develop and practice what they are learning. Fun icebreakers will keep the class super interesting. Ai Business Launch is more than just a course; it's a launchpad for the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Join us and find out what happens when you combine AI technology with your amazing creativity! This course can be the first step to teach you how to get your business started! This course can be taken independently or in a classroom setting. The facilitator/instructor can guide the students through each module. Either the instructor can read the content or students can take turns. Course Supplies and Essentials: Students and the instructor will need a laptop or tablet. Access to a word processing program or Google Docs. Students will build their business in that word document. Students should take notes throughout the course. Students will need an EMAIL ADDRESS! This Email address will be used to access: Digital Design Program ( Chat GPT ( The Instructor or students can optionally bring paper and pencils/pens for freestyle brainstorming for anyone who can’t access their laptop word processing software. WIFI/Internet connection is required at each school or center.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





Eteen Lab Material: Copyright 2024
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